Leaves & Overseeding from the Pros

in Ellisville, MO

Our leaf removal service makes quick work of a job that can take you hours. It’s not just the time you spend raking, but also making piles and bagging. Ever tried to do it on a windy fall day or after a rain? You want us to come out and get it done efficiently and affordably. Our leaf removal service sends only trained landscaping professionals to your home, armed with blowers and rakes.

Why bother with leaves?

Why bother with leaves? Leaves build up along curbs, gutters, and ditches and block storm water. The resulting standing water may flood or attract insects and rodents. Our crews will take care of:

  • Lawns 
  • Flower beds and gardens 
  • Decks, porches and steps 
  • Sidewalks and driveways
  •  Curbs and ditches 

Blowers do the big work, and rakes and labor handle the detail throughout the fall or for a single pickup before the first frost. Our crews can leave the foliage for mulch, bag and remove it, or arrange for recycling. It makes an excellent gift for an elderly or ill relative, on Father’s day, and more. The gift of extra free time and a tidy yard is always welcome!

How Overseeding Lawn Management is Done

We sow seed directly among the existing blades of grass. Often we remove weeds first, and mow very short. The living grass acts as a mulch to hold the seed, which grows and covers scalped areas. Weeds have no room to grow and so they don’t return. We recommend an accompanying soil test with a watering, aerating, and fertilization schedule to ensure the new sprouts get an additional boost. You can have this done every year to keep your turf thick and green.

What is Overseeding?

Overseeding is our landscape experts’ best tool for restoring your lawn to dense, green turf without having to dig out a single blade of your current grass or lay a piece of sod. We increase the number of grass blades per square inch over the entire seeded area for fast results even in the middle of the summer. 

Top five benefits of overseeding lawn treatments :

  • Brown, thin and weedy grass becomes green and thick 
  • New grass is bright green, making a tired lawn vivid again
  • Seeding various varieties keeps a lawn healthier 
  • The more grass, the more it can naturally battle weeds and pests
  •  We sow new grass varieties that have been bred to ward off disease 

Keep your property safe and tidy with pro help!

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