How do you know you need lawn aeration?

Here are the top five reasons to let your lawn breathe and properly utilize natural and applied fertilizers:

  • Oxygen gets to the roots 
  • Organic fertilizers and applications of nutrients get to the root system 
  • Water is able to better soak the soil and reach the root system 
  • Taking out the plugs thins out thatch; healthy grass naturally battles it 
  • Tight, compacted soil is loosened up allowing the root system to grow 

Grass grows old. It will not live forever, and it does not live well in compacted soil. Dirt compacts with heavy usage, e.g. kids playing, sports activity, dogs running, bikes, and long-lasting snow mounds. Think of aerating as creating pores for the soil. These pores let in air, nutrients, and water. Compacted soil closes pores and increases the distance between those that are left, resulting in poor top growth and lawn deterioration. 


Lawns truly do have individual needs. That’s why we will perform soil testing before we put anything on the grass or in the soil. This ensures that the lawn fertilization will work. The lab test determines the quality of water the soil is getting and whether there are any chemical inequities in the soil.

An optimal base for fertile grass is achieved with a measured mix of nutrients, acid (lime) and other lawn care elements. Our lawn care professionals will use the information they glean from the soil sample to adjust the pH. They can correct the organic makeup to make certain the roots, stems and blades are getting peak care. 

Lawn owners find this soil test to be valuable beyond the health of the earth under the grass. If you have flower beds and bushes, this greenery is drawing sustenance from the same soil. Lawn fertilization pays dividends for all of the landscaping at your home or commercial property. 

Our technicians who come to your property are well trained in applying the exact amounts of additives that we have determined your lawn needs. They take care not to waste your money by using too much, which simply runs off and can damage the environment. They also know that using too little inhibits growth. 

Lawn aeration is an important adjunct to lawn fertilization. It is vital to make a path for oxygen to get down to the roots and to give them “room to breathe.” 

Healthy grass is strangled in soil that is compressed.

Aerated soil allows the fertilizer to get directly to the roots. Ask to see a core sample from your lawn. It will clearly show you the thatch layerso you can see how it strangles your grass and makes the soil too thick for air and nutrients to penetrate. On compacted soil, fertilizer essentially washes away.

We use specially-designed aerating machines that, when driven over turf, remove small plugs of soil, roughly ½ inch in diameter, each plug about 3 inches apart. This is called “core aeration” and it is very effective for lawns that get a lot of traffic and heavily thatched areas. Lawn aeration picks up where watering, fertilizing and mowing leave off. 

Environmentally Friendly Fertilization

NurtiLawn fertilization ensures your grass has the nutrients – and the disease and pest resistance it needs – to grow healthy, strong, thick, and green. Overfeed it or underfeed it and you get the opposite effect. Unfortunately improper fertilization is common when people attempt do-it-yourself lawn care, so call the professional lawn team for any commercial or residential lawn. Part of consistent good care of your lawn involves monitoring moisture.

We will make certain that your grass is getting the water it needs and will advise on a watering schedule as part of your lawn fertilization service. We are always ready to discuss opportunities to “go green” when we are caring for your lawn. There are organic fertilizers and additives, and there are natural practices (such as aeration) that are environmentally friendly while being grass friendly. When your lawn is healthy, aerated and fertilized, you’ll save water. You don’t have to water as often, or use as much, because the moisture gets to the roots as it should.

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